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This will be a team Blog set up for my Sophomore Comp Class and Dawn Hogue's CyberEnglish 9 class.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

I am just checking to see if I can still use this blog.
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Sunday, September 12, 2004

This is an historic bridge which crosses the Missouri River from Nebraska to South Dakota and leads right into down town Yankton. It was originally a pontoon single lane bridge, then it became a two lane draw bridge which could be raised and lowered depending upon river traffic. Many years ago a second, lower deck was added with one way traffic on each deck. Now it is badly in need of repair and has far exceeding its projected lifetime. As plans go forward to put in a new bridge further up the river, a restoration group is trying to save the Meridian bridge as a walking bridge. This is just one more bit of history which may disappear and this possibility makes me sad.
Meridian Bridge Posted by Hello
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Saturday, September 04, 2004

Hi Pat,
I'm revising the article we wrote for ACE and fixing the link to this blog. So I thought I'd post a welcome for visitors to read our Blogger exchange here. Please refer back to the article if you'd like to contact either Pat or I about our collaborative experiences using web based communication tools.
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Sunday, May 23, 2004

Well, Dawn, it looks like this poor blog fell by the wayside. But I think I will now use it for justjournaling as you are doing on yours. I need to get into the habit of journaling as I go along. It will be much easier than trying to recapture my thoughts hours or days later. Here is to a new try at journaling. Hope I am faithful at it.
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Sunday, February 29, 2004

I am trying to view this site but it isn't cooperating.
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Friday, February 06, 2004

I will add that to the form. I have three forms right now and will send themto you as attachments. One is a request for information (maybe you can help me with that title) another is a request for interview for the interviewee, and another is an interview release form. I am working on the rest of my imput for our web site today because FINALLY we have a snow day and i actually have some time.
See you tomorrow 9:00 sharp. I emailed Nancy but never got a reply. Did you?
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Thursday, January 29, 2004

I talked with my social studies colleague and he's excited to collaborate on this project. He helped me develop topic ideas per decade, so i'll do something with those on the web. He's also going to help with the process and give a grade for a social studies component.

I thought of one more place to send the letter to. We have an area college, the one i graduated from, in fact. It's been around since the late 1800s. Anyway, since it is also part of our county's history, they may know of people who would be good to interveiw.

Can you add something to the letter about "would the individual be willing to travel to the school to meet with the student during his/her class time?" Since i have 9th graders, they are not going to be able to go in cars anywhere.
Talk to you soon, Pat.
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