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This will be a team Blog set up for my Sophomore Comp Class and Dawn Hogue's CyberEnglish 9 class.


Thursday, January 29, 2004

I talked with my social studies colleague and he's excited to collaborate on this project. He helped me develop topic ideas per decade, so i'll do something with those on the web. He's also going to help with the process and give a grade for a social studies component.

I thought of one more place to send the letter to. We have an area college, the one i graduated from, in fact. It's been around since the late 1800s. Anyway, since it is also part of our county's history, they may know of people who would be good to interveiw.

Can you add something to the letter about "would the individual be willing to travel to the school to meet with the student during his/her class time?" Since i have 9th graders, they are not going to be able to go in cars anywhere.
Talk to you soon, Pat.
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